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New Orleans Face & Body Painting only uses FDA-approved (United States Food and Drug Administration approved), hypoallergenic, body paints which are designed specifically for body painting.
Based on the manufacturers ingredients list, the products we use, depending on the product, may contain perfume, parabens and coconut oil. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) for the products to be used at your event/appointment can be provided prior to painting if requested, please request this information at least 7 days prior to your event/appointment.
The water based, face paints we use are cruelty free and never tested on animals. All ingredients used in the manufacturing of the face paints we use are also cruelty free.
When glitters are use, we only use FDA-approved, cosmetic grade glitter.
New Orleans Face & Body Painting uses brushes and sponges when applying face & body paint to ensure a professional application and the best results. Brushes and sponges are cleaned and sanitized before each event and before each client. All brushes and sponges will be cleaned using water and antibacterial soap and sanitized with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol prior to use.
Where disposable wipes ("baby wipes") are use, we only use brands approved by the FDA.
The hypoallergenic body paints and cosmetic grade glitters we use can be removed easily with soap and warm water. A soft sponge or cloth can aid in the removal process. Always start by coating the skin with a thin layer of soap. Once you have worked the soap into the face paint, then proceed to rinse. You might need to repeat this process a few times. Always make sure to be gentle, excessive rubbing of your skin can cause irritation.
New Orleans Face & Body Painting is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the face/body paint, fixing sprays, glitter, or other tools used. Neither New Orleans Face & Body Painting, nor the paint artists or assistants, are not responsible for any damage to clothing, furniture, carpet, or other personal effects resulting from paint, water, fixing sprays, glitter, or accidental incidents.
Copyright © 2021 New Orleans Face & Body Painting - All Rights Reserved.
Telephone: +1 504-715-0508
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